Friday, May 25, 2007

going to see this movie next week.

UFC tomrrow night......GO RAMPAGE!

learn everlong everyone.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

tonight was all you can bowl for 11$.

i learned im not very good. at least not very good sober. my highest score of 4 games, was 107. wich was the 3rd highest score out of 9 peoples. so if i look at it like that, its not to bad. last time i went bowling i swear i was getting at least 150 every round....i need to practice.

the main thing i believe was throwing me off was wii bowling. i was trying to swing like i had a wiimote in my hand. so my first 4 frames were solid gutters. eventually i used a little leg and got some sweet strickes to pull my score up, but i could never save it from complete suck.

suprisingly there were an exceptional amount of hotties there. bowlings where its at for all the straight ballers out there. represent.

late night post:

if you like the underwaterness and the outer spaceness

watch aliens of the deep by james cameron.

so good to do it.

watch out for lasers.

Monday, May 21, 2007

this is what i did on the computer today:

im playing this game right now.

family guy is amazing.

half life 2: orange box is going to be awesome.

explosm rawks...!!!!...

this is the song im going to learn on the guitar this week.

after a long weekend of doing nothing but working you go kinda crazy. at work today, we thought bubbled what it would be like to have "Budget: the reality series" as a tv program. there was lots of graphs, lists and lunch orders but basically it boils down to a week full of our daily shinanigans and other drama bits tied in to make it addicting. since we have so much sill y random stupid shit happening at work all the time, we figured it would be perfect for the ADD driven teens of the future.

its like 'Jackass' meets 'That 70's show' wrapped in a cardboard cut out of a reality show. we already have the token new girl/hawt chick thats now working the front desk. As well several staff members that are easily to hate, and easy to love. While some, ME, are hott and will easily fall into the position of front man, possibly carrying on to movie deals later after about 2 seasons.

We decided that we would try for 13 episodes for the first season, and work into a comfortable 22 for season 2. Hopefully showing on much music/MTV or along side the office on NBC. we havent decided how long our episodes would be. We would have easily enough shit to cover a full hour slot, but i think half an hour would be the right amount to leave you wanting more.

for an example, today we started tagging ants with white out so that we could record which ones were coming back to the wash bay. We also found some chewing tabacco and peer ressured everyone who hasnt done it in to doing it so that they could get buzzed at work. one of the guys out it directly on his toungue and began yelling 'ewww, get it out, GET IT OUT!' like we were supposed to help him......sooooooooooooooooo funny. meanwhile an incident with a little dog left me wanting to kick some lady in the face, and a lot of halairious complaining endured in front of her. finally, somone put a huge dent in a Nissan Sentra trying to slide over the hood. then we proceeded to try and fix it with a toilet plunger...Now, who wouldnt watch that!? and not love it?

Of course we would have to secure contracts with Budget to say we could not get fired at all while filming the show. I believe some business would be distirred from renting from us, but i believe more would rent from us, just to say the rented from the budget guys!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

top ten huanted houses in america.

top 50 rpgs of all time on

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

todays my day off.
today i am sick.

i have an unbelievable immune system, and hardly ever get sick. i have a personal record of 4 years. usually my yearly average for getting sick is about once or twice for the whole year. thats a slice of amazing. but of course whenever i DO get sick it always seems to happen on my day off or a day when i have something great planned.

today the temp was supposed to get up to 28. it was bright blue sky, and no clouds even daring to come out. my plans were to hit the beach hard and finally get my skimming skills back up to snuff. but a sinus headache, a snot-on-tap nose and a feeling of nausea tied with a huge lack of care to move has made me decide against this. instead im video gaming till it hurts.

i played a half a season and made it into the playoffs in NHL 07. I also managed to trade for crosby to become apart of my perfect leafs. but that got boring after 30 games. so i decide to revist Dragon Quest 8 which i had beaten almost all the way, except for the final dungeon. i stopped playing originally cause FF12 had been released and i my attention was sucked towards that. so i started playing and re-learning everything about the game while trying to beat the end.
sadly it didnt go very far before i one of my characters decided to die randomly due to a serious of hits invloving sleep and confusion. DQ8 just happens to be one of those games that makes you go somewhere in some far off place to get your characters revived. so in a fit of rage i got mad, suffered a rage blackout, and when i arose i found i deleted my save file. and not just DQ8. i deleted every rpg saved game that i had that was not finished. my countless hours of time dedicated to the best items, scores, and complete annihilation of every boss, beast and villian...gone.

so i made a vow to return to these games, starting from scratch and BEATING THEM ALLLLL!

but first i bought to new games to beat....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

i found this photo on a rigourous journey through face book today.

its a photo of my 2004 enviromental science trip to Costa rica.

it reminded me of the sweet time i had there with all my highschool buddies, and the original dive crew. My first time scuba diving was done on the pacific side. I saw so much sea life, and so many things i had never seen pictures of before. it was the most incredible 6 dives i have ever done. schools of barracuda, schools of sting rays, and one giant mother of a manta ray.

i never recieved any pictures of that trip, and this was the first one i had seen. my teacher was supposed to give me all the pictures compiled form everyones cameras. but he never did. he just kept my hard earned 5$. im pretty choked about that.

and now im going to rekindle the fued i have with him, and strike him down like cobra until i get my coast rica pictures.

i saw a preview for the bourne ultimatum today and got super stoked on that movie series again. im going to have to revist it this week. i have plans to read the books too, if i can get back into reading this month. i go through phases where il read mad like 5 books in 2 weeks, and then i wont read anything for a month or so. its wierd.

i watched the evil dead last night. suprise-ingly for 1982 it was pretty good. it had a lot of sweet claymation depicting the gorey decay of demon controlled teens. while the clown laugh and face of one of the females crazy ladies was intensly creeping, the movie was never scary. the main character ash was clueless to everything, which ended up making this movie extremly comical at times. after being an extreme nerd and reading all about the background on wikipedia, i found out that it was actually banned for a while in germany because of the gore. OH did i mention that a chick gets raped by trees. random. yes. still i would put it on everyones list to watch at least once.

all my diving friends are making cash having fun, and now im wishin i was doing that as well. trying to get a reasonable career with 100% health care/dental and super good pension just doesnt seem worth it compared to diving with sharks, and making a video magazine. im going to stick to my heavy movie viewing.

brand new rocked the house.

sold out show, all across canada.

the headliner anathallo was by far some of the wierdest music ive ever witnessed. it was good, just wierd. after 2 songs i opted to leave and slam some beer in the garden and poke fun at some scene kids.

i made a bet with a friend that the first song they played was going to be from deja entendu, he though the devil... i was right,, and now im the proud owner of a shiny new quater. the song was the "boy who blocked his own shot" i believe. super good.

they hit up some oldies before hitting up the entire new album. jumping to "jesus christ" rocked. i swear i saved the lives of a couple of cuties who were up to close to the stage during "archers". the croud was swaing hard, and jumping even harder and they were in between me and a couple of huge idiots. i inflated my huge biceps and essentially created a force field with them around these too. my guns are spectacular. and a pair of mild thank yous was all i needed. im just an average hero.

the 2 hour set of amazing ended with 'bangkok'. an instrumental, the whole band went crazy on stage and delivered quite a performance. Jesse decided to help the drummer out and they both wailed away while vins hands moved past the speed of light.

they denied the encore opting for a huge finish instead. i was down with it.

i caught the pick jesse used to play crack the sky.

i want them to come back. i hope i dont have to wait another 4 years.

this is for all those guitar wannabeees

this is for all the guitar hero's

and this is for the people who are like "whaaaaaaaaaaat?'

Saturday, May 12, 2007

this is by far one of the hottest piercings i have seen in a while.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

today is all about Brand new. the best band ever, my favourite band. awesomesauce.
tomorrow night brand new starts there first canadian tour in vancouver. i have tickets. im going to be skipping work to drive 4 hours to vancouver in my friends parents blue minivan to see these guys. i would even drive to calgary right after that to see them again if i wasnt poor.

ill be listening to there 3 albums back to back on repeat the whole way down, singing word for word every song. there coming with guest Anathallo or something along those lines. i wish it was just them on a 4 hour set playing every song off there albums. and then playing there acoustic versions and then some encore's. and more encore's.

the first song i ever heard was back in '04. my buddy made me listen to this new mp3 he found of limewire. it was a song called Sic transit Gloria...Glory fades off there sophmore album Deja Entendu. I was blown away, and im pretty sure i had it on repeat for the next hour solid and on every cd a burned for a straight year. i told everyone about it and everyone like it. as soon as i could i had downloaded every song they had out, and then i even went out and bought both of there cds. (first album was Your Favourite Weapon) then i sat and waited till to hear there next album, which didnt come out until late 2006.

After 2 years of listen to there older stuff i had never got sick of it, and it always put me in a good mood to listen to. There new album was even better(The Devil and God are Raging Inside me) then i thought it could be, it was way different at first, but after a couple listens i realized it was sorta the same, and that made it even better.

the wierd thing about this band is every one of there songs are good, every one is different, every album is different, and they only got better and better....but nobody has really heard of them. especially in canada. there shows are completly sold out in the US, yet only the toronto show is sold out in canada.

songs to DL off whatever music ripping software you own:

Seventy times seven - Your Favourite Weapon
Soco Ameretto Lime - Your Favourite Weapon
Play crack the sky - Deja Entendu
Sic Transit Gloria...Glroy Fades - Deja Entendu
Jesus Christ - The Devil and God are Raging Inside me
Handcuffs - The Devil and God are Raging Inside me

Brand new links so you can be a fan too!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

66 reminded me of true romance, and christian slater so i had to read his wikipedia.

matt good reminds me of why i hate alchohol, so i cant have a problem!

raymi says its spiderman 3 is ok, so i might finally go see.

Monday, May 7, 2007

i recieved my package from the rcmp last friday. they said congratulations, you have passed the test. and there was about a million forms with it. i now have to get a vision test, a doctors note, and do a physical assesment exam. for paper work, theres form after form on my personal info, employment history, family, and papers for all the tests.

then there is a 300 question open awenser booklet for the polygraph test. i have to awnser everyone to the best of my knowledge with as much inofrmation as possible. questions ranging from have you lied in certain scenarios, to have you done drugs, to do you like little boys?

...that ones ment to throw you off, it basically means do you like children?

all this has to be sent back to my recruiter by June 5th. funny thing is the only PARE test this month (physical assesment) is on the 29th, and my recruiter is in vancouver i believe. Mails not fast enough.....snail mail. After a few quick emails of crazy questioning and thought, i was sent a reply that says i am not to worry. Results for the PARE are ssent directly to the recruiter, and i can just leave a note with the rest of my application saying "there on the way!"

Im pretty amped about it, and a little choked since i took the RPAT (initial test) with a buddy and he has yet to recieve test marks or a package. i told them theyll come soon...

i also have sore boobs from a mad work out this morning.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

im on you tube far too much
and from outta no where its David Hasseloff!
and somone speed paints spiderman!
and some david blaine street

nucks lost. nucks lost. gay goal. so lame. cheap elbow. referees dumb.

i normally dont complain about referees because i had a brief year of actually refereeing myself. they were just minor hockey games, but they were still intense and parents are pretty harsh. but tonight, that should have been a penalty. either way vancouver still would have lost i guess. they really did not impress me tonight.

on a better note, my hacky sack skills are getting extremly better. i can hit it from anywhere, and im working on my chuck norris specialty, the round house kick. once i get that down im goign to seriously consider going pro. everyday at work if it slow enough we start busting out, and playing kill. i wont lie, im amazing. i figure now that violence is going to be making a come back due to the UFC, we cant step it up with a hacky sack professional kill league. if poker can get on tsn, then we can too!

i found a dragonforce video on youtube, LOL!

if no one seen this, they should watch it right now. obadiah parker guitarist rocks out with this cover of Hey yea - by Outkast. SO EFFIN SICK!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

i visited some old movies today. im really into car movies and car chase scenes right now. it could be due to the fact that i just saw grindhouse, and death proof gave me a boner for chargers, or it could be all the speeding of done lately.

the best part about my speeding is its all done in my newly aquired FREE car. its a '93 festiva. bout the size of an oldschool mini, maybe a bit bigger. its gutless 5 speed that rusts with no e-brake, and a busted u-joint. but it runs. and it runs suprisngly well. it goes 0 to 60 in forever. i bust out with no radio and windows down.

back to the movies, i watched a young mel gibson (pre-crazy) in the first Mad Max. it rocked lots of post apocalyptic car chases from the soon to be Road Warrior (the sequel). all filmed in australia on close to no budget, but it had a V8! (insiders only)

before that gem was the first car chase movie ever, or so i have been told. BULLITT! two t's is correct too. mr. frank bullitt was the main character played by steve mcqueen. its your average cop drama/action but from like 1970. so bad acting everywhere. and by bad i mean memorable according to critics! now i can see what critics were saying about memorable acting when i watched Two-Lane Blacktop.....rolfcopter. that was last week, not a lot of dialogue, 4 actors, 2 cars, and a race across the us, apparently. watch for the ending it comes outta nowhere.

i find this pic super hott. i have no idea why. but i like it.
dragonforce makes me rock out.
check some photos out here.
busblogs pretty sweet today.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

my quest for the day was to find and buy guitar hero 2. i playe dit for the first time the other day, actually it was my first time playing games in a while. (im in the process of playing an oldie; FF2) i was playing with about five friends and the game was super straightforward, but tonnes of fun. played about 5 songs and was hooked. so the next day happened to be a day off, and my money status was acceptable, so i told my self i was going to but it.

no dice.

traveled far and wide, to the mall, to the other mall, to the electronics place beside the mall, the one in between the mall, and well you get the picture. no where, all sold out of GH2+guitar. so lame. even Toys R us didnt have it, and no one buys there games. wtf.

so now i have to wait. instead rented JT's new movie...Alpha dog. it was interesting, kinda sweet, really stupid near the end, but i found it to be exciting, not to mention lots of hotties, and a few shots of little miss lesbo from the OC's rack. cant complain. 4 stars says this rolling stone.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

crazy coworker was fired.

jumps for joy were shared throughout budget.

he left his lunch and my buddy garett tempted fate and ate some stuff. i wasnt going to touch anything, i figured it was all laced with drugs. and his crazy germs. very contagious.

so instead of eating any of the food, we decided to tape the pie to the wall and shoot a ball at it with hockey sticks....this was work for an hour. after a good smear, some cell phone pics, we had to high tail the cover up because or manager walked around the corner. then we shot the kiwis everywhere and seriously considered throwing some yogurt at a car before deciding it was a baaad idea.

my biggest find ever occured. i found 13 beer in the back of one of the rental vans turned in. its molsen canadian, so not the greatest but beer is beer, and no one can argue with free.

the best beer ive ever tried was called something like Murphys Irish stout. and ive only seen it at a tiny bar on the ski hill. i believe its called snowshoe sams. so i have to wait till winter comes again to try it once more

The Age of Pamparus - Turbonegro get this song now!

will ferrell makes me laugh loooooots.

snl skit everyone should see

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

for the last month and a bit ive finally hit the gym and started to make this super hero look super. im getting stronger by the day, and have been on a very effective workout plan from the peeps at mens health. my abs are bursting. i have oblieks finally, and my nerdy arms are becoming distinguised. its crazy what can happen when you finally put your mind to something youve told yourself your going to do to since highschool.

i can do chinups with added wieght, as well as dips.

im working towards benching my body wieght.

and i do a million situps every other day, sometimes everyday.

spiderman 2 was on the tube tonight, and im pretty sure he never works out. i also dont remember him ever having super strength like super man before. he was lifting huge cement walls, and stopping trains with sheer brute force.....oh prease.

SM3 better deliver some realnessess, venom better rip off someones head....and the hob goblin shold throw doo doo.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

for years i have debated over which hockey team is my favourite. i changed several times. throughtout my child hood it was every year. i went with whatever team had the best logo. ie mighty ducks, then the avalanche. now that i can actually watch all the games, and know exactly whats going on with every player, and coach and GM i can make an official decision.

my dads been a maple leafs fan for ever, apparently he has never rooted for any other team. i watched him sit with the tv and watch as the leafs lose year after year and i could never commit to a team who has been destroyed year after year by bad coaching/managing, and getting knocked out due to excessive injuries. for the first time im happy to see they didnt make the play offs.

now they have the chance to pull a pittsburg and suck forever and till you get a team that so stacked with young talent all you have to do is sit and watch as the team grows into an amazing hockey club. pittsburg has a couple years i think till this happens but it will be worth the wait. meanwhile ill be waiting for toronto to take charge again.

now since toronto is out, ill be rooting for the next diehard pick. vancouver canucks. although i have strayed away from watching hardly any of there games all season, i found myself checking there score secretly. ill be playing there games every night on the radio at work. cheering screaming and rooting for them to finally win something.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

day 4...

the fellow 'new guy' has now admitted during his interview he was on coke, to none other than his supervisor. all i could say was wow, how are you still here? apparently that is not enough to get you fired.

everytime he dissapears we all think hes off shooting up, doing a line, or smoking a jay. no one trusts this goof, and now hes even wierder then before. we confronted the goon about his magical tally, and all he said was 'Dont worry about it'. hes going to be the next axe murderer and hes tally'n his victims one by one.

i think at this point we have all told our boss to fire this loon. but he wants to hang on to him a little longer. just a little longer, long enough to shank some one in the face with car keys.
music vids im in to:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

my third day of the 'new job'.

i started with another new guy 3 days ago. and today me and the other guys noticed he was a little wierd. he would always freakishly stare at someone or something for the longest times. never once blinking or moving to scratch something.

he always asked weird and blunt questions. for exmaple he asked everyone of us where we lived, and tried to get it down to the exact street and location. he asked onen guy several questions and statements about his wife.....

the guy is super creepy. but the one thing that set everything apart. was the tally.

about mid day one of us noticed he was making a tally. and we had no clue as to what it could be of. we were thinking it was the number of times he had done certain things, but he would always tally at differnt times while he was doing different things.

eventually rumours started of it being the tally of doom. we tried messing around with the tally. adding some numbers and scratches to see if it would throw him off. but when he got back the tally was started anew with the exact number as before.

we hid the paper for his tally, he founf more.

we screwed his tally up again, he fixed it to perfect again.

we tried watching him tally but he always did it in secret.

we eventually got scared of the list, and at the shift change didnt want to know what it was, or touch it at all. we figured somehow it could be related to our nearing deaths. all we did was ignore it.

hopefully tomorrow, the tally will have been forgotten.

today i was assaulted by a hose. not in the literal sense, mostly just from the water coming out of it.

it was my second day of the 'new job' and i was finishing up some work, and i walked out the back of the wharehouse to see a man standing with a hose washing chocolate off the sidewalk.

now the reason there was some chocolate there was because one of my fellow co workers had a huge chocolate bunny from easter and ate half, while the other half was touched by some wierd guy so he didnt want to eat it. so he decided to see if it would melt, and how long it took.

it had been melting for a good hour, and was slowly becoming one with the sidewalk. a few holes broke through here and there and it look like it had been shot.

now buddy with hose steps in, he was washing it off when i stepped outside the back. AND BAM!

he starts swearing like crazy calling me an idiot for leaving the chocolate there. i said "Hey, buddy i didnt do anything talk to someone else."

that of course doesnt suffice and he pipes in with "your fucking new, youve been here 2 days. Try staying around a while!" this made nooooo sense, cause thats what i was trying to tell him basically.

then out of no where he starts spraying me with the hose, and so i called him an asshole, and he ran off into his side of the wharehouse to hide. people were asking me after, like why didnt you do anything? why didnt you hit him, or grab the hose and spray him!?

i was in complete shock that that was actually happening, i still cant believe it happened. and somehow the hose spraying lunatic thinks im going to get into to trouble for this.

a feud has started.

i always win feuds.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

easter. a time for family and ham.

this year i was forced to go to my aunts who i havent seen since last summer, the usual group of relatives was there. uncles, grandparents, cousins galore. but since i dont keep in touch, i really dont know them very well. so usually end up chillin with the one cousin who closest to my age, and isnt married, having a kid, or going through some other messed up 'life' situation.

its the usual talks of wine tastings and bland gossip. i swear they have the same conversation every year and at every family gathering. i was questioned about a wedding i didnt even know was going on, and then they all shunned me for not knowing what the latest and greatest was. half them didnt even know i was back from living in vancouver yet. lol.

so im pretty tight with my family.

but the good thing was i got an incredible meal, stuffed my face completly....three heaping plate fulls. i still hurt from the digesting and i ate 4 hours ago. totally worth the hell of time its going ot be to poo it all out tomorrow

i just got the call for free snowboarding tomorrow....


Saturday, April 7, 2007

this girl is beautiful.

i secretly heart her, and yet hold off on telling her anything because i love secretly hearting her. i know this means i can never go anywhere with it. and im pretty much an official creeper, but she likes me too, and she creeps me out more so.

anytime we go out with a group of friends she will be watching me the whole time. and slowly be nudging towards sitting beside me the whole night. its almost a game for us. were caught in a chess match of wits and eyelocks. just like me i think shell never admit it.

will be going to a movie over easter break. will laugh, tease, and talk about stupid things our friends have done, while niether one of us does anything to move the relationship forward. but im happy with that, and ill do it over and over again, just cause im never going to lose the battle.

maybe im stubborn,

or maybe its because shes never seen the movie fifth element.

silly criminals, robbery is for proffesionals.

im absolutely stoked for ufc tonight!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

i can now officially drink and drive. i got my class 5 drinking and driving liscence. ladies everywhere just jumped for joy...

the only reason i finally went and got it was so that i could apply for the rcmp apptitude test. i attended an info session were i was actually required to hold one then, but i lied.

i wonder if that will come up later on the polygraph test. haha.

becoming a 5-0 has its ups and downs. if i make it in ill never have to worry about medical again. the pays good. ill get to work in a variety of places, meet a variety of people. have a sweet car, and a smith an' wesson.

downs of course i could get shot. i might have to work in burns lake. (wheres burns lake? exactly!) and theres the off chance i might have to arrest someone i know.
arresting my sister would be pretty funny. i could totally do that. shes part evil, and part stupid.
they trace your family history back pretty far though. and stick you in the least likely place you that could ever happen, while still trying to keep you somewhere sane.

i just hope im close to an ocean.

tony pierce had some wise words from a man on craigslist last sunday.

matt goods my hero.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

today i woke up, at the usual time. and i decided straight up i didnt want to go anymore. no more work for least not today. txt msg'd my buddy to tell him to say i didnt show up for car pool.

thats how these things go down nowadays. txt msg'n.

break up txt,

no show txt,

funeral txt,

dump txt...

dump txt is this completely retarted thing my friends do. anytime there on the john with a cell they throw out a mad dump txt to anyone who might be waiting. usually its followed with a description. i heart the way technology is used.

i cant wait till complete relations ships take place over txt msg chat like they do on the internet. hell, they probably already exist. i could get into that. you know throw a couple 'how you doin' txts out there to some ladies. maybe talk about her day. chat about interests then once you know it. you get a 'hump me' txt. and your totally turned on by the font she used. then she sends some graphic emoticons she download to describe her face while shes reading your creative little cellular descriptions. and then its allll ended by a tiny txt. the worst txt ever. the battary life ending text. 'i've txt'd somone else'. *single tear*

i could see it.